orthogonally polarized wave câu
polarized wave
Right-Hand (or Clockwise) Polarized Wave.Sóng phân cực thuận (hay theo chiều kim đồng hồ) [Right hand (or Clockwise) polarized wave]: ...
Both types of cable cross orthogonally, ensuring strength in two directions and avoiding deformations.Cả hai loại cáp đều bắt chéo trực...
It's no secret that America is becoming increasingly polarized.Chẳng trách tại sao dân Mỹ ngày càng bị “polarized”. It's remarkable how...
Another drawback is that dielectric mirrors are often very sensitive to the angle of incidence and can produce undesirable plane-polari...
polarized light
The 3D Shutter Glasses work together with this polarized light from the TV to produce the 3D picture.Kính 3D Shutter hoạt động cùng với...
s wave
3) S wave of greater duration than R wave or greater than 40 ms in leads I and V6 in adults.Sóng S có khoảng thời gian lớn hơn sóng R h...
But perhaps it's a wave of a different kind, a wave of justice.Nhưng có khi lại là một làn Sóng khác, làn Sóng Công lý. But perhaps it...
linearly polarized light
These flies are attracted to linearly polarized light, and the study showed that black and white stripes disrupt the attractive pattern...
plane-polarized light
Another drawback is that dielectric mirrors are often very sensitive to the angle of incidence and can produce undesirable plane-polari...
left-handed circularly polarized light
These two spin components correspond to the classical concepts of right-handed and left-handed circularly polarized light.Hai thành phầ...
a wave of indignation
This started a wave of indignation among the Bulgarian intellectuals of the time.Điều này đã gây ra một làn sóng bất bình trong giới tr...
a wave of revolution
We are part of a wave of revolution sparked by the Black liberation struggle, by the death of Che in Bolivia in 1967, and by people's w...
acoustic wave
"We calibrated the acoustic wave frequency at 10 megahertz."Chúng tôi đã hiệu chuẩn tần số sóng âm ở 10 megahertz. Acoustic Wave Music...
air wave
Kokabiel emitted an air wave from his other hand and made Xenovia’s body float.Kokabiel phát ra một làn sóng không khí từ tay kia của m...
alpha wave
Suntheanine stimulates the brain’s alpha wave activity.Chất Theanine kích thích hoạt động của alpha sóng não. Note how I have a hard t...
back wave
Create a hero from one of four distinct classes to fight back wave after wave of enemies by summoning defenses and directly participati...
beta wave
Stress is known to induce the brain’s Beta wave activity, leading to a more agitated state.Stress được biết là do hoạt động của sóng be...
big wave
Our homeland was ruined by the big wave.Nhà của bọn muội bị Hồng Thủy nhấn chìm rồi. Big wave surfing at Shipstern’s Bluff.Lướt trên n...
blast wave
The blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal.Vụ nổ sẽ đốt thành phố tan chảy thành kim loại. Hold on tight and wait for ...
bow wave
They throw a most unfriendly bow wave.Họ ném một làn sóng cung không thân thiện nhất. The shockwaves form as supersonic aircraft trave...
It induces Theta brain-wave frequencies to help uncover the secrets buried in the subconscious.Nó tạo ra sóng não tần số theta. để bộc ...
breaking wave
The catfish school cascades across the mucky bottom like a breaking wave... as fish feeding in the front are passed over by those in th...
carrier wave
A simple binary code transmitted by carrier wave signal.Một mã nhị phân đơn giản được truyền đi bởi sóng mang. Also called carrier wav...
circular wave
If there's a single drop hitting the water, it will create a circular wave of ripples across the water.Nếu có một giọt rơi xuống nước, ...
cold wave
A cold wave of fear flowed through Larry’s body.Một làn sóng hoảng sợ lạnh buốt tràn qua cơ thể Nick. She feels a cold wave of despair...